Opening Hours:
Wednesday - Sunday 10:30am - 3:30pm
9-11 Lambie Street, Cooma NSW
(02) 6452 3377
The Raglan Gallery acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land: the Ngarigo, Walgalu, Southern Ngunnawal and Bidawal Peoples. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Immerse yourself in our beautiful historic building and gardens. Feed your soul with exhibitions from both local and visiting artists. Take home a piece of art or choose a fabulous item from our Gallery shop.
Become a Member
The care of the Raglan heritage building and its garden depends on your continuing contribution as a
“Friend of the Raglan”
Members and volunteers also support the Raglan as the principal centre of visual arts on the Monaro
Fill in the member form attached and drop it in or email it to info@raglangallerycooma.com
Looking for a way to contribute to your community? Come and join us at the Raglan Gallery as a volunteer sitter for 3.5 hours each month. Enjoy the atmosphere of the beautiful Lord Raglan Inn and Gardens
Meet interesting visitors and enjoy the changing exhibitions as well as the seasons
Contact the Raglan Gallery – info@raglangallerycooma.com or phone 02 6452 3377