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4 March- 2 April

Katie Phillips
"Motherhood" Photography

It's a love letter to Mums.
It's a moment to switch on the light so now we see Mum.

We see her with her most precious ones.

We see her radiance and strength.

We hear her story of love, pain, sacrifice, resilience, power and courage.

And we say thank you.

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7 April- 13 May

10 June - 16 July

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25 July- 3 September

"Outside Inside" Sculptural Glass

The exhibition comprised work from five artists Luna Ryan, Peter Nillsson, NOT, Sabine Paga & Ngaio Fitzpatrick.
On the explorative theme of countryside, looking at the local landscape through the lens of artists’ countries of origin the Netherlands, Sweden, Scotland & Switzerland, finding new affinities and mythologies.

Wendy McDougall
"Time for a moment" Photography

5 September - 22 October

A Photographic series with both black and white and colour images. The images are of random moments, flavoured with humour and taken over all eras of Wendy’s 40 plus years career.
You will come away happy, smiling and feeling good.

Sukhvinder Saggu
"Visual Conversations"

Sukhvinder transforms his emotional tension into a visual language on a two-dimensional surface, composed of very tidy, tightly rendered fine art images but not exactly hyper-realism with very vibrant colours.

24 October- 3 December

Victorian Goldfields Printmakers
"Istoria: history, story, tale"

Istoria … The exhibition theme is broadly based on the concept of  ῐ̔στορῐ́ᾱ/istoria. The term history has evolved from an ancient Greek verb istoria which means "to know". Originally meaning inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry or what we now call histories, stories, or tales.

The Victorian Goldfield Printmakers is a group of printmakers whose disciplines range from relief print to all forms of etching and some 3D work.


Artists: Anne Langdon, Barbara Semler, Catherine Pilgrim, Deborah Klein, Diana Orinda Burns, Dianne Longley, Jackie Gorring, Susan Clarke, Jan Palethorpe, Janette Wotherspoon, Jimmy Pasakos, Loris Button, Malini Lewis, Marie Mason, Marte Newcombe, Penny Peckham, Julie Patey

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24 October- 28 January

Phil Miles "Fire and Ice:
Some Australian Landscapes"

Phil Miles Fire and Ice: Some Australian Landscapes is an exhibition of paintings of the bush after the fires and paintings of the snowy landscapes.

5 December - 28 January

Tein McDonald
"Layers of Landscape"

A range of works documenting old and new ways of relating
creatively with local native landscapes and drawing inspiration
from intricate patterns found in nature.

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